Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Beauty of Mathematics

It was snowing on the way to school today. Large fluffy snowflakes floating to Earth reminded me of math. Yes, math.

Math is a different way of viewing the world. Predominately conceptual, it is grounded in nature and the world around us. But for many, experiences with textbooks, pencil and paper, perhaps calculators even, bring a sense of daunting.

But pause a moment. What if you were able to see the world in mathematics; to visualize the unfolding of an elegant equation as it floated to Earth? I wonder if we would gain an appreciation for thinking and experiencing our world...as numbers?

Humor me a little. Take a couple of minutes and watch this video.

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music." —Bertrand Russell

What is education really about? Many times it is about skills we learn. But sometimes, it can also be about learning to view the world in a slightly different way.

As I write this, the sun is breaking through the snowy storm clouds outside. I wonder how the math of that works?

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